I finally have something finished. Granted it was just a small thing to do but it is done. I bought 2 of these fleece panels before Christmas. The plan was to bind them and give them as gifts. I don't know why I buy things 2 weeks before Christmas to make for presents because they never get done. But I digress......I did not how to put on the packaged binding that I bought for this so I took these down with me to the LQS to ask my friend. She had no idea but liked the panel so I shared one with her. The lady working at the quilt store suggested that I hem it with a specialty stitch using my walking foot. What a great idea!!! I did get the binding out and realized that it was only 3 feet long which meant I was going to have to buy 2 more packages (making the binding more expensive than the fleece). So I hemmed it using a fancy zig-zag stitch and it came out great. Took it down to my parents house so that Mom could see. This is my Dad holding it up so that I could get a picture. Plan on giving this to my brother if he likes it. So Rick if you are reading this, you need to claim it. Before Christmas there were bolts and bolts of this fleece. Now there are none. Since the Gators have won the national championshp everything Gator is at a premium. The funny thing is that I was able to pick up some FSU fleece at half price. I picked up 3 panels for my friend and I bought one for a neighbor. Sure would like to find a fleece panel for the University of Kentucky. (blatant hint for my sister who reads my blog) Anyway, it feels good to have something finished even if it is a small thing!
Your fleece throw looks so soft and warm. Edging it with machine stitching was a great idea.
I couldn't find an e-mail link for you so I answered your question about the Women of the Bible study in my blog comments.
Bea is gorgeous! Love cats!!!
Fleece throw are so much fun. I have a coca cola one for over 5 years and I have not done a thing to it. I have it on my bed and use it just as it is.
I'd better find the UK fleece before the Wildcats win the NCAA Championship this year, otherwise I'll be in the same shape your in and not be able to find any! The throw looks great and any UF fan is sure to enjoy it.
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